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- Introduction
- 153 Proofs that God created earth
- Bible Encyclopedias
- Bible Reference Works
- E.W. Bullinger's reference works
- Flat earth vs global earth data
- Free online biblical resources
- Rev. L Craig Martindale
- Strong's Concordance
- Summary
Over the years, I have run into a wealth of free online biblical resources and have finally got this new project started!I'm putting together all the free sites and downloadable files on one page.
All these works are in the Public Domain and are in standard PDF format.
I am working on making a list of websites to go to such as old and new testament biblical manuscripts, reference works, historical timelines, etc.
So keep checking back periodically to see what has been added.
153 Proofs that the Lord God created earth; Many prove a globular earth
Fine tuning for life on earth by Hugh Ross: christian astrophysicist
- The International Standard
Bible Encyclopaedia, volume 1, from the Cornell University Library [50MB, 714 pages]
- The International Standard
Bible Encyclopaedia, volume 2, from the Cornell University Library [50MB, 739 pages]
- The International Standard
Bible Encyclopaedia, volume 3, from the Cornell University Library [52MB, 756 pages]
- The International Standard
Bible Encyclopaedia, volume 4, from the Cornell University Library [58MB, 746 pages]
- The International Standard
Bible Encyclopaedia, volume 5, from the Cornell University Library [42MB, 760 pages]
- Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [PDF format]
- Hitchcock Bible Names [PDF format]
- Nave's Topical Bible [PDF format]
- Smith's Bible Dictionary [PDF format]
- Torrey's New Topical Textbook [PDF format]
E.W. Bullingers Reference Works
COMPANION REFERENCE BIBLEPlease be aware that although there are many references to the trinity throughout these books of the bible, E.W. Bullinger started out believing in the trinity, just like almost all other theologians.
However, as he continued his research into God's word, he saw less and less biblical support for the trinity and at the end of his life, he wrote a letter to his granddaughter and said he no longer believed the trinity!
That is the grace of God at work!
These works are in the Public Domain and are in standard PDF format.
Portable Document Format, standardized as ISO 32000, is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.
The books of the bible numbering continue from the old testament [that end in #35] into the new testament [that begins with #36], but also begin a new numbering sequence just for the new testament [from 1-21] so that you can see the dual numbering system. If you count correctly, there are a total of 56 books of the bible, as stated in the red thread page about Jesus Christ of this website.
671 pages and 3MB download.
Appendixes To The Companion Bible By E.W. Bullinger

[This book is in the Public Domain].
Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
By E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913)
Fourth Edition, Revised

1164 pages and 58MB download

[This book is in the Public Domain].
By The Rev. Ethelbert William Bullinger, D.D.
“HE telleth the number of the stars;
He giveth them all their names.” (Ps. cxlvii. 4. R.V.)
Published by the Author
London 1893

Bathymetry definition: [pronounced buh-thim-i-tree]1. the measurement of the depths of oceans, seas, or other large bodies of water.
2. the data derived from such measurement, especially as compiled in a topographic map.
Download bathymetric [ocean floor map] data of the earth!
If the earth is actually flat and can be proven to be based on true, correct and complete scientific data [and not counterfeit pseudoscientific sources], then it will have to agree with all other valid scientific data in other related sciences, such as bathymetry.
This is the bathymetric version of Google Earth, confirming the earth is a globe and not flat
USGS [U.S. Geological Survey] Mapping the Seafloor
Who We Are
Created by an act of Congress in 1879, the USGS provides science for a changing world, which reflects and responds to society’s continuously evolving needs. As the science arm of the Department of the Interior, the USGS brings an array of earth, water, biological, and mapping data and expertise to bear in support of decision-making on environmental, resource, and public safety issues.
NOAA [National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
AGU [American Geophysical Union] Earth and space science, volume 2, issue 8 2015 A new digital bathymetric model of the world's oceans
- Codex Sinaiticus, the oldest complete copy of the Greek New Testament in existence, dating back to the 4th century A.D.
- Lamsa bible, the Aramaic Peshitta text dating back to the 5th century
- Masoretic Text in english
- Old Testament Hebrew interlinear from the Westminster Leningrad Codex; 1008A.D.
- The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the old testament, dating back to 200BC
- St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate, dating back to 390A.D. to 405A.D.
- Read over 5 dozen versions of the bible; audio bibles; other biblical resources
- E.W. Bullinger's companion bible appendixes [online version]
- Study many things about the bible: Greek lexicon; Hebrew; commentaries; bible atlas;
- Cambridge University dictionary
- Etymological dictionary: study the history and origins of words!
- Merriam Webster dictionary
- Princeton University's wordnet: A Lexical Database for English
The starting point is:II Corinthians 4
1 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
In verse 2, how can a christian renounce something that they cannot even see because its hidden?
One of the clues to the answer is in I Corinthians.
I Corinthians 12:7
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
What do these 2 verses have in common?
They both have the word "manifestation".
Definition of manifestation:
Strong's Lexicon #5321
phanerósis definition: Manifestation, Disclosure, Revelation
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Pronunciation: fa-ne-RO-sis
The term "phanerósis" refers to the act of making something visible or known, particularly in a spiritual or divine context. It is often used to describe the manifestation of spiritual gifts or the revelation of God's power and presence among believers. In the New Testament, it emphasizes the visible and tangible expression of the Holy Spirit's work within the church.
This Greek word phanerosis is only used twice in the NT: I Corinthians 12:7 and II Corinthians 4:2, giving us a clue as to how to renounce the hidden things of dishonesty: speak in tongues the wonderful works of God.
HELPS Word-studies
Cognate: 5321 phanérōsis – a manifestation, a "coming to light." See 5319 (phaneroō).
This root word phaneroo [Strong's #5319] is also used 49 times in the bible! 7 is the number of spiritual perfection and since 49 is 7 x 7, which is 7 squared, 49 represents spiritual perfection squared!
And the root word of phaneroo is phos [Strong's #5457] and its used 73 times in the NT. 73 is the 21st prime number and 21 is 7 x 3 and since 3 is the number of completeness, we have spiritual perfection completed!
Look at the remarkable numerics of this!
Yet, the amazing magnificence of the word of the Lord doesn't stop there!
The Lord pointed Rev. Martindale to study Isaiah 15 to find out the real depths of understanding of what renouncing the hidden things of dishonesty is all about.
If you research Isaiah 15, you will find that there are actually 17 villages of Moab [an area in ancient Israel east of the dead sea] that represent the 17 characteristics of human nature that Satan corrupted when he became god of this world in Genesis 3 after the fall of man!
This knowledge should be required study for the proper and complete training of every psychologist, psychiatrist and counselor on the planet!
In a nutshell, speaking in tongues [the 8th manifestation listed in I Corinthians 12; 8 is the number of resurrection and a new beginning and SIT is proof of Jesus Christ's resurection!], by way of spiritual hydrogen, temporarily suppresses these 17 negative aspects of human nature!
This is just a brief introduction to renouncing the hidden things of dishonesty.
Rev. Martindale's game-changing research deciphers and exposes the 17 corrupt characteristics of human nature and how to defeat them so they don't defeat you!!!
The 17 villages of Moab also correspond to the 17 attacks against us in Romans 8:35-39 as well as the 17 works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:19-21!
The 17 villages of Moab also correspond to the 17 attacks against us in Romans 8:35-39 as well as the 17 works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:19-21!
- Renouncing The Hidden Things Of Dishonesty [2.6MB; 60 pages, full version]
- Renouncing The Hidden Things Of Dishonesty chart [250kb; 2 page summary]
- Cities of Moab chart with images [4MB; 39 pages]
- Introduction [400kb, 13 pages]
- A [12MB, 334 pages]
- B [16MB, 421 pages]
- C [21MB, 573 pages]
- D [14MB, 384 pages]
- E [9MB, 253 pages]
- F [14MB, 374 pages]
- G [15MB, 388 pages]
- H [17MB, 416 pages]
- I [6MB, 143 pages]
- J [8MB, 188 pages]
- K [6MB, 152 pages]
- L [18MB, 451 pages]
- M [17MB, 444 pages]
- N [7MB, 186 pages]
- O [7MB, 195 pages]
- P [17MB, 431 pages]
- Q [300KB, 9 pages]
- R [9MB, 242 pages]
- S [40MB, 1,023 pages]
- T [18MB, 464 pages]
- U [2MB, 47 pages]
- V [3MB, 65 pages]
- W [20MB, 506 pages]
- NO X
- Y [2MB, 35 pages]
- Z [1MB, 28 pages]