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  1. Who is the master forger? [2,895 words on 9.5.2021]

  2. Is this the very first forged verse responsible for making people think that God is a person?? [516 words on 9.5.2021]

  3. 12 Felony Forgeries against Jesus Christ [39,839 words on 9.5.2021]

  4. The Holy Ghost Forgeries [2.872 words on 9.5.2021]

  5. Did Jesus Christ preexist before he was born?

  6. Exodus 3:14 & John 8:48 explained! [2,021 words on 9.5.2021]

  7. What 5 things does the trinity have in common with homosexuality?

  8. 376 reasons to praise God instead of Jesus [5,355 words on 9.5.2021]

  9. Shield of the trinity: deciphered and exposed! [25,443 words on 4.11.2024]

  10. Bible verses against the trinity

  11. Future article: Did a son of Belial orchestrate the council of Nicea in 325A.D.?

  12. Future article: How many devil spirits are involved in the trinity?

There are currently 19 articles and 11 videos against the trinity, with 2 more articles in the planning stages, making a total of 33 biblical works against the trinity.

That's approximately 75,000 words against the trinity and that does not include any of the words on images, incomplete articles, any future articles and no videos are included in this either.

Depending on genre, audience and other variables, a general range of word counts for novels is 50,000 - 100,000+ words, so we already have a strong, solid biblical novel against the trinity.

That speaks volumes.

If you have to commit dozens of felony crimes in order to prove a point, the point is invalid.

Forgery is a felony crime and an attorney told me that with all forgeries, there’s also an automatic commission of fraud, which is the deliberate attempt to deceive, which is also another felony crime. Thus the felony forgery series of articles.

So with every trinitarian forgery in the bible, 2 felony crimes have been committed against the greatest document in history: the bible, which is the revealed word and will of God. Since there are over a dozen articles detailing a minimum of 34 trinitarian forgeries in the bible, that means there were 68 felony crimes committed so far in order to prove the trinity!

Definition of obsession:
1. an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone
2. an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will

Obsession is a type of irrational motive.

Definition of irrational motive:
a motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic [see the proof yourself! - the shield of the trinity diagram violates the laws of mathematics & logic 6 times!]

Therefore, with the trinity, we have:
  1. Obsession: an irrational drive to prove the deity of Christ and the trinity. 68 remorseless & baseless felonies [and still counting!] is self-evident proof of obsession.

  2. Forgery: over 2 dozen consistent forgeries against the greatest document in history and against the greatest human to ever exist - Jesus Christ the lord

  3. Fraud: the premeditated and deliberate and repetitive intent to deceive. The devil is the greatest deceiver of all

  4. Lawlessness: illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the laws of God and contempt against them. The devil is called the lawless one in the bible...

  5. Cleverly cloaked idolatry: The devil's most effective counterfeits are always in a religious context
89% of all the words of trinitarian Felony Forgeries add words to the bible, telling us there is no scriptural evidence for the trinity.