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# of teachings:
On this website: 57 [as of 2.5.2024 = 48.30%]
On my blog: 61 [as of 2.5.2024 = 51.69%]
Grand total: 118
These 15 audio teaching series from the genuine Rev. Martindale [not the counterfeit] are all very thorough, in depth research into the depths of the word of God that you will never hear from any other source and all are in chronological order to the remnant of believers.
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Living Sanctified - 10 sessions from 1995
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Remnant Regeneration 4 teachings; March 27-June 19, 2016
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Red Thread vs. Rotten Thread 10 sessions March 25-June 3, 2018
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: 2nd Timothy The Church In Ruin 33 sessions May 19, 2019-January 19, 2020
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Renouncing the hidden things of dishonesty 4 sessions March 8, 2020-April 3, 2020
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Urgency Of Our Times - Men of Belial 11 sessions April 10-June 13,2020
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Depth Beyond Depth - 8 sessions July 4-August 15, 2020
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Remnant Quests 10 sessions September 12, 2020-November 14, 2020
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Hidden Riches in Amos 12 sessions March 13, 2021-May 22, 2021
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Living Water Series - 12 sessions August 7, 2021-October 23, 2021
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Book of Philippians - 3 sessions; plus one from February 2019 October 29 & 30, 2021
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: The Three Great Healing Realities_163_12-19-2021
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Colossians: 4-23-2022 to 7-22-2022
- Audio teachings by Rev. L Craig Martindale: Discerning of spirits 8-20-2022 to 12-17-2022
- 3 types of evil
- 12 Felony Forgeries against Jesus Christ in the bible [the spiritual dirty dozen]
- A course in miracles: of course its a counterfeit! Part 1
- The books of the Apocrypha: true or false?
- The book of James revealed
- Book of Mormon revealed: Part 1
- Book of Mormon revealed: Part 2
- Book of Mormon revealed: Part 3
- Book of Romans revealed: a unique parenthetical revelation
- Did Jesus Christ preexist before he was born?
- Esau, Jacob and our birth rights in Christ
- The crucifixion of Jesus: a new perspective that you can verify!
- Jesus Christ, The Red Thread: Introduction and Foundation
- Psalms 22:1 - verify the breath-taking truth!
- Exodus 3:14, verify the surprising truth
- Gap Theory Creation: how to prove it 23 different ways!
- 376 reasons why we should praise God instead of Jesus!
- The fall of man, part 1; add, subtract & change; coming in the future
- The fall of man, part 2; believing, love & hope
- The fall of man, part 3 coming in the future
- The fall of man, part 4 coming in the future
- The Felony Forgery of John 19:18 and the 4 crucified with Jesus?!
- The HOLY GHOST forgeries
- The true origins of the lake of fire!!
- The Lord's Prayer vs Ephesians
- Rely on God
- II Samuel 1:26 explained!
- Shield of the trinity: deciphered and exposed!
- Bible verses on wisdom
- You are not going to heaven when you die!
- II Timothy 1:7 Power, Love, & a Sound Mind
Over time, a series of 56 articles on Jesus Christ will be put forth, one for each book of the bible. For example, I & II Chronicles will simply be called Chronicles, and therefore, will only count as one book; I & II Timothy count as one book, etc.
Ezra and Nehemiah were originally united as only 1 book as well. This is how you arrive at 56 books of the bible instead of 66.
Numerically, it makes much more sense to have 56 instead of 66 because 6 in the bible is the number of man as he is influenced by Satan, so having 66 books would indicate man as he is influenced by Satan doubled or established. Not good.
The factors of 56 are 7 x 8. Seven is the number of spiritual perfection and eight is the number of a new beginning and of resurrection. This way, the bible represents spiritual perfection times a new beginning.
Studying and applying the bible in your life is a new beginning with God's spiritual perfection.

This is why the books of the bible are set up to have 40 books in the old testament and 16 in the new. It makes so much sense. It fits the biblical meaning of numbers perfectly.
Genesis through the gospel of John is the pure old testament.
Technically, chapter one of acts is still the old testament because the day of Pentecost in 28AD hadn't arrived yet. Chapter 2 marks the beginning of a new biblical administration, the administration of grace. However, in practice, the truths of Romans - Thessalonians weren't revealed until several decades later and the last and final book of the bible, the book of revelation, wasn't written until 90AD-100AD.
Thus, in doctrine and practice, the laws and thinking of the old testament was still strong in the book of Acts, along with the new doctrine and practice of grace by the apostles.
This is why the book of Acts is a transitional book between the old and new testaments.
Romans to Revelation is the pure new testament written in the age of grace. Romans - Thessalonians were written directly to the members of the body of Christ, which didn't begin until the day of Pentecost in 28AD in Acts 2:1-4.
So we have 40 books in the old testament and 16 in the new, which equals 56 books.
8 x 2 = 16. Since eight is the number of a new beginning and of resurrection, the true new testament represents a new beginning doubled, which means it's established.