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12 Felony Forgeries against Jesus Christ
- Introduction
- How do modern bible versions render I John 5:7 & 8?
- What truths do the ancient biblical manuscripts of I John 5:7 & 8 reveal?
- The Vile Veil of the Vulgate
- What does the companion reference bible say about I John 5:7-8?
- 11 Point Summary
I John 5:7-8 [kjv]7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
The felony forgery of I John 5:7 & 8 involves the greatest number of changed words of any trinitarian forgery that I am aware of: 24!!
It also involves 2 consecutive verses, more than any other trinitarian forgery.
That speaks volumes as to the importance of this forgery in the devil's eyes.
From verses 7 & 8, the 24 added words are:
Verse 7: "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Verse 8: And there are three that bear witness in earth".
So now, this whole section would properly read:
I John 5:6-9 [KJV]
6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.
7 For there are three that bear record.
8 The Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.
So these verses in the KJV clearly supports the doctrine of the trinity.
On 5-23-2019, I went to and looked up I John 5:7 & 8 in all the bible versions that were available [in english]: a total of 50 were listed.Can you guess how many different bible versions added the extra words and how many did not?
* 13 out of 50 added the extra words = 26%.
* 37 out of 50 did not add extra words = 74%.
So the vast majority of modern bible versions do not even support this felony forgery!
What do the most ancient and authoritative biblical manuscripts say about I John 5:7-9?
Screenshot below of the Armenian bible from the Syriac text of 411A.D.
Screenshot below of the Lamsa bible from the 5th century Aramaic Peshitta text.

Screenshot below of the Codex Sinaiticus: the oldest complete copy of the Greek New Testament in existence, dating back to the 4th century A.D..

Screenshot of the Mounce Reverse-Interlinear Greek New Testament (MOUNCE) below.

None of the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament dating before the sixteenth century have the extra 24 words added in I John 5:7-8
The screenshot below is of the great Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament [28th edition], which is used in many seminaries, does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in verses 7 & 8.

The following critical Greek texts do not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in verses 7 & 8.
- Alford
- Griesbach
- Lachman
- Tischendorf
- Tregelles
- Wescott & Hort
- Wordsworth
The NET BIBLE is a completely new translation of the Bible! It was completed by more than 25 scholars – experts in the original biblical languages – who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.
I John 5
6 Jesus Christ is the one who came by water and blood—not by the water only, but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.
7 For there are three that testify,
8 the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.
9 If we accept the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater, because this is the testimony of God that he has testified concerning his Son.
Below is an excellent example of why we need to do biblical research! We are going to compare St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate from 390AD-405AD to the more modern American version from 1582.
vile/ (vaɪl) /
- abominably wicked; shameful or evil; the vile development of slavery appalled them
- morally despicable; ignoble; vile accusations
- disgusting to the senses or emotions; foul; a vile smell; vile epithets
- tending to humiliate or degrade; only slaves would perform such vile tasks
- unpleasant or bad: vile weather
- paltry: a vile reward
vilely, adverb
vileness, noun
C13: from Old French vil, from Latin vīlis cheap
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
verb (used with object)
* to cover or conceal with or as with a veil: She veiled her face in black; A heavy fog veiled the shoreline.
* to hide the real nature of; mask; disguise: to veil one's intentions.
vulgate/ (ˈvʌlɡeɪt, -ɡɪt) rare /
* a commonly recognized text or version
* everyday or informal speech; the vernacular
generally accepted; common
Vulgate/ (ˈvʌlɡeɪt, -ɡɪt) /
(from the 13th century onwards) the fourth-century version of the Bible produced by Jerome, partly by translating the original languages, and partly by revising the earlier Latin text based on the Greek versions (as modifier) the Vulgate version
C17: from Medieval Latin Vulgāta, from Late Latin vulgāta editiō popular version (of the Bible), from Latin vulgāre to make common, from vulgus the common people
Thus the 1582 version of the Vulgate is a bibically and spiritual vile example of hiding [veil] the truth of St. Jerome's 405A.D. version.
Below is a screenshot of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate 390AD - 405A.D..
Notice that the combined Latin word count for both verses 7 & 8 is only 15!

Compare St Jerome's Latin Vulgate of 405A.D. to the Vulgate established in 1545–1563 by the council of Trent, and known as the 1582 edition.

The first line of each scripture pair is from St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate of 390AD-405AD
The second line of each scripture pair is from the Latin Vulgate of 1582AD
Each line is identical in both versions with exactly 28 words each.
I John 5:6 hic est qui venit per aquam et sanguinem Iesus Christus non in aqua solum sed in aqua et sanguine et Spiritus est qui testificatur quoniam Christus est veritas
I John 5:6 hic est qui venit per aquam et sanguinem Iesus Christus non in aqua solum sed in aqua et sanguine et Spiritus est qui testificatur quoniam Christus est veritas
On the 2nd lines, see for yourself the corruption of the Latin Vulgate text from 1582!
(1st) I John 5:7 [390AD-405AD] quia tres sunt qui testimonium dant [only 6 words]
(2nd) I John 5:7 [1582AD] quia tres sunt qui testimonium dant in caelo, Pater, Verbum, et Spiritus Sanctus. Et hi tres unum sunt. [18 words = 12 extra words at the end of the verse!!]
(1st) I John 5:8 [390AD-405AD] Spiritus et aqua et sanguis et tres unum sunt [only 9 words]
(2nd) I John 5:8 [1582AD] Et tres sunt qui testimonium dant in terra: Spiritus et aqua et sanguis et tres unum sunt [17 words = 8 extra words at the beginning of the verse!!]
Each line is identical again with 22 words.(1st) I John 5:7 [390AD-405AD] quia tres sunt qui testimonium dant [only 6 words]
(2nd) I John 5:7 [1582AD] quia tres sunt qui testimonium dant in caelo, Pater, Verbum, et Spiritus Sanctus. Et hi tres unum sunt. [18 words = 12 extra words at the end of the verse!!]
(1st) I John 5:8 [390AD-405AD] Spiritus et aqua et sanguis et tres unum sunt [only 9 words]
(2nd) I John 5:8 [1582AD] Et tres sunt qui testimonium dant in terra: Spiritus et aqua et sanguis et tres unum sunt [17 words = 8 extra words at the beginning of the verse!!]
I John 5:9 si testimonium hominum accipimus testimonium Dei maius est quoniam hoc est testimonium Dei quod maius est quia testificatus est de Filio suo
I John 5:9 si testimonium hominum accipimus testimonium Dei maius est quoniam hoc est testimonium Dei quod maius est quia testificatus est de Filio suo
What does the companion reference study bible say about I John 5:7-8?
Screenshot below of the Companion Reference Study Bible by E.W. Bullinger: notes on I John 5:7 [scroll down to page 7].
- Only 13 out of 50 modern bible versions [26%] have the added words in I John 5:7-8 and 37 out of 50 do not [74%].
- The Armenian Bible, translated from the Syriac text of 411AD, does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- The ancient Aramaic Peshitta manuscript [Lamsa bible] dating back to the 5th century does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- The ancient Latin Vulgate text of 390-405AD written by st. Jerome, does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- The more modern version of the Latin Vulgate text of 1582AD adds the extra 24 words back into the verse, knowing the original Latin Vulgate did not have them!
- The Codex Sinaiticus, the oldest complete Greek New Testament, dating from 4th century, does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- At least 10 different Critical Greek texts do not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- No Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century has the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8
- On page 7 of the online companion reference bible, the note on I John 5:7-8 says regarding the phrase "in heaven, & c. The texts read, "the spirit and the water, & c., omitting all the words from "in heaven" to "in earth" (v 8) inclusive. The words are not found in any GR [greek] MS before the sixteenth century. They were first seen in the margin of some latin copies. Thence they have crept into the text."
- The NET BIBLE is a completely new translation of the Bible, done by more than 25 scholars – experts in the original biblical languages – who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts and it does not have the phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" in I John 5:7-8.
- That's a grand total of at least 14 ancient biblical manuscripts in 3 different languages and 17 modern bible versions that do not have the extra 24 words!
All the above evidence proves that the 24-word phrase "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth" that was added to I John 5:7-8 was yet another deliberate Felony Forgery.
Are you seeing a pattern here!?How could there be so many Felony Forgeries, spanning over so many centuries, involving so many different biblical manuscripts, in different languages, in so many different geographical areas of the world, yet all have the same basic theme?